Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Unbreakable Egg

The experiment was very intersting. The team members were also very passion on giving ideas and generating them. As soon as we were got the first basic instructions we started to think of our plan without reading and following instruction. We focused more on the goal of creating an unbreakable egg and somehow ignored the instructions that were given. We created the best plan for our egg not to break. We disscused it and as soon as we good the materials we stareted to impement the plan. At some point we forgot to even draw the picture of our plan and time was becoming our concern. Our main goal was to get to the front of the class as soon as possible. Focusing more on time and on plan implementation we forgot to write our names on our paper plan. We had a name for the egg, we had a plan structure but we didn't write our names. We ge at the front of the class we preform and we reach our goal. Our egg did not break. But we failed. We failed because we reached the main goal but we skiped other thinkgs. We failed to follow directions.


  1. We definitely focused too much on the how not to break the egg and because of that failed to follow all the instructions, however I know we won’t make the same mistake next time, because you will be our team leader :)

  2. I actually enjoyed our group project tho. i learn a lot from you guys and i also learn how to compromise with each one of our ideas and corporate with others :).

  3. it's incredible that you guys were able to accomplish the goal without following directions! i agree that time was a big factor and was on most of the groups minds as it was a race against the clock so the planning phase was rushed. i wouldn't blame you guys for skipping the directions

  4. Yes Wilson time was a factor but a good manager needs to manage time and follow instruction.
    Adam I will try to do my best if you assign me as the team leader next time.

  5. I think time was a big problem, but a good manager needs to manage time in the most effective way.
    Adam next time if you assign me as the team leader I will try to do my best.

  6. Alma, I am sorry to hear that. I understand your pain! My team had a construction and everything written down but our communication suffered and we ended up breaking our egg even before the competition started, so we got disqualified! But yea, judging by some mistakes your team made, I came to realize that planning is a very important step. It doesn't matter how successful the construction is, if you failed or skipped important planning steps, the winning is not guaranteed. I can imagine how upset you are. Good Luck to you next time!

  7. Great example to illustrate how important it to plan adequately and efficiently. Time is always of essence but how important can it be if you reach your goal on the right time but you failed to adhere to instructions.
