Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Personal Profile...What type are you?

It was one of the greatest activities of the class. I really enjoyed the personality test activity. For some questions I really had to thing hard and identify where I fitted in more. At first I thought the test would not give me accurate results. But surprisingly enough the result that I got fitted my personality more. I was a C personality. And I was more than happy with my result because it fitted me the best. I wouldn't have liked to be a D or I personality. First I am not a dominate person, secondly I am not the type of person that like to solve problems by influencing or persuading others. My only believe as a C personality is to work conscientiously to reach the best quality and accuracy. Like the C personality describes I like to to  be diplomatic with people  and think very analytically. The only think that was controversy with my personality was the teamwork description. Type C personalities encourage teamwork, while I prefer more to work individually. One other thing that I have to agree with my personality description is to develop more tolerance for conflict. I like to perform well and give maximum in what I do. Quality is what I look on in every aspect of the life. To all the D and the I personalities I value your dominance and influence characteristic. I think I have to work more on being a little more on being dominant instead of sitting on a cubical trying to do my best. Great experiment!!


  1. I don’t think you need to be dominant if you are satisfied with your style, because dominance is not part of your characteristics. Gaining dominance would be an extra tool to your style. As a C you’re more analytical and systematic person, that you follow procedure and process step by step, I think this is important when there is time at hand because it insures security.

  2. I also found this activity to be extremely interesting and enjoyable as well. It was definitely hard to pick between the choices at times and I was often between two answers. I scored the highest as an I and wish I had more qualities of a C personality in many ways! I scored as a C and D as the next highest which I thought was unique. I also agreed with my results; it is intriguing how a simple test such as this can be such a good measure of personality! I was skeptical at first as well, but I think these tests can be a great way to get to know someone if used correctly.

  3. I think that the test is very accurate. i think that being a C type is not bad. Every type is especial in a lot of characteristic.I'm a Id type person and i think that this describes me very well.
