Sunday, December 12, 2010

Managment Vision Motivation

I am not really good at writing,
or even putting words together.
But I can only say that managment class was fun,
It made us all work hard search and run.
I know that I am gonna miss it for sure,
because it made us all be active
and also tough us how to be effective.
It made me think of a mission,
that I can only reach if I have e vision.
It made me have a motivation
that I can only reach with creation.
I am gonna miss every moment of this class,
which I hope we all pas.
I am gonna miss all of my new friends
which made me laugh,
and which sometimes got on my nerves.
This class taught me how to be creative,
but must of all how to be motivated.
Now a message to all of my friends:
Believe in yourself and you will always have success
Remember to always have e vision
that will make you win every competition.

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